Week Review 1/19/2024


This week I worked on many projects for small amounts of time. I worked with Ben helping him assemble the float, I helped get people onto the server, I worked on the typewriter, and I experimented with a new kind of gripper.


I tried building the docker container for arm, I keep on running into different problems with this. Docker buildx is saying that it is not able to connect to the

I decided that I will make an install shell script so that it can be quickly installed on a Raspberry Pi.

bash script logo

New Gripper

In the shop we used to use a broom holder. It uses a very clever mechanism to grip regularly shaped objects. It has a rubber piece with two sides that get closer to eachother gripping an object.

broom holder

It is an increadibly simple mechanism that we can use for tasks that would otherwise require a mechanical gripper simply by putting it on a pole.

I plan on doing a proof of concept test by putting the mechanism on the robot and seeing if we have enough thrust to attach to the PVC pipes.