

Three other students and I were able to hack into the Massachusetts Bay Transportation agency and responsibly disclosed it. We gave the first talk at DEF CON 31 about it.

Our attack found new vulnerabilities in MiFare Classic that allowed us to circumvent the checksum. This allows us to add anywhere between $0 and $327.67 to a CharlieCard as well as create different card types (student, senior, employee, etc).

Our security reaserch has gotten us featured in Wired, NPR’s All Things Considered, WBZ Radio with Matt Shearer The Boston Globe, and

vending machine

You can see the talk on the DEF CON YouTube channel.


STEVE ROV is The MVTHS Robotics Teams robot for the MATE ROV Competition. It is an underwater robot that is designed to compete in the MATE ROV competition. Using both STEVE ROV and the float Sunk Robotics was able to win the New England Regional two years consecutively.



Also for the MATE ROV competition Ben Wirz and I made a vertical profiling float. A vertical profiling float is a robot that is able to move up and down though the water column by simply changing its density.



One of the mandatory robotics projects in sophomore year is a lightbox. Typically a light box has one display and is controlled using hardware switches. I decided to try to go a little bit beyond that and connect my light to the wireless network and change multiple displays based off of real time stock data.
